How often do you hear people say something like this? Or similarly ‘Everything’s a bit manic right now..’ ‘I’ve just not had a minute in the last few weeks…’ I hear it a lot.

Perhaps we don’t use our time effectively or we’ve been conditioned to think that we’re more significant if we are constantly busy or perhaps and we don’t really appreciate the time that we do have- the space between the tasks… Or, we really are that busy and we are constantly overwhelmed.

My question is “what will ‘it’ be like next week? Next month? Next year?”  Who decides? Is a change of focus required, a change of strategy or a change of behaviour?

One of the distinctions I took from the recent Transformational Gate was this: when we find ourselves talking about ‘how difficult life is at the moment’ we can add immediate resourcefulness by adding ‘and’…followed by something more empowering. Which might look something like:

‘Life’s a bit crazy at the moment and I’m coping better than I would have done last year’

‘It’s difficult and I’m strong.’

‘I’ve not had a moment for myself and I’m taking steps to look after myself more’.

What is abundantly clear is this, we are happier, more resourceful and better able to help others when we look after ourselves first & foremost. So, however you choose to look after your own well being this month make sure it’s a priority.

And finally, a date for your diary…Nancy and I have been busy for the past few months helping to organise a Health & Wellness show.  The event is free and open to all and will take place on Saturday May 16th at Harrogate Pavilions.  More details are available here:

Best wishes,

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Opening times
Tuesday: 4pm - 6.30pm
Wednesday: 8am - 12pm
Thursday: 3pm - 6pm
Saturday: 8am - 12.30pm
Find us:
Brighter Life Chiropractic
1st Floor Small Barn South,
Carlshead Business Centre
Paddock House Lane, Sicklinghall
North Yorkshire
LS22 4BJ
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